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Second issue of 3D Fantasia
By Admin (del 26/02/2004 @ 15:43:48, in Editorial, linkato 3421 volte)
Welcome to the second issue of 3D Fantasia – Multimedia Educational Magazine . This magazine's mission is to provide a forum for reporting on people, events, technology, and issues involved in the use and study of Virtual Reality and Creative Multimedia Projects in Education.
A Virtual World is a world without limitation, a world as unlimited as dreams. It's also a world that's shared, like the physical world. The thing that's remarkably interesting to us about Virtual Reality is that you can make up reality and share it with other people. It's like having a collaborative lucid dream. It's like having shared hallucinations, except that you can compose them like works of art; you can compose the external world in any way at all as an act of communication.
This issue of 3D Fantasia features an interview with the so-called “philosopher of the cyberspace”, Mike Heim . His books include Electric Language (Yale University Press, 1987, 2nd ed. 1999), The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality (Oxford University Press, 1993), and Virtual Realism (Oxford University Press, 1998).
In the same section on Virtual Reality, in “ From a 2D conceptual map to a temporal and spatial experience ” I discuss the implications of using 3D virtual reality in teaching Archeology to young students.
The section on Creative Educational Projects features some “ Guidelines on designing creative educational projects ”, and some “ New insights on the use of Multiple Intelligences in Education ”.
Digital writing hosts an article on the "Digital Reader" by Giovanna Zapu.
Finally, an introduction on “Online Simulation learning environment” will open a new line of research into one of the hottest area in the future of educational internet.
One last word on the new interface for the magazine. I've waited a long time before publishing another issue of 3D Fantasia, most of all because I was looking for new editorial forms of communication. The present interface allows readers to interact with the ideas discussed in the articles. It has a more dynamic content display of information.
Our vision for this forum, 3D Fantasia - Multimedia Educational Magazine , is to help, in a modest way, to explore and enrich the research and practice of educational projects based on a creative and innovative use of Internet. These new practices may lead the way towards a new approach to learning, based on multiple intelligences, constructivism, active and collaborative learning.
We invite you to read this new issue, and add your stories and experiences to what we publish here. Roberto Cuccu
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